š In this blog post weāll share all law links & known rules about recreational & commercial drone use in Madagascar (Antananarivo). Give a š at the end of this post if you enjoyed it & feel free to ask any questions or share your experience in The Forum. Keep in mind that the content below is updated to the best of our ability & does not replace official sources & your own research.

Recreational vs commercial drone use in Madagascar
Madagascar does not seem to differentiate commercial & recreational drone use - see our post to differentiate recreational vs commercial drone usage. Both uses strictly forbidden outdoors (officially for safety reasons), however you may ask for a permission to the Civilian Aviation Directorate of Madagascar by following their application process.
šØ For the moment, the use of drones is restricted under the NĀ°75b ACM/DGE/DRG of the 16 of March 2015. Drone use is under the responsibility of the Civilian Aviation Directorate of Madagascar, they can be contacted via:
Email: acm@acm.mg
Phone: (+261) 20 222 2438
šØ Local population is asked by authorities to report any drone activity they might see.
Can I bring my drone to Madagascar?
šØ The only airport of Madagascar (Ivato International Airport) is infamous for its bag checks & it seems hard to go through without being asked to open them. As drones are forbidden, there is a high chance you might see it confiscated upon arrival.
ā A couple of members mentioned they were able to pass, despite having their bag under x-ray & fly without any worry whatsoever but you need to be aware that you risk it all if you don't have an authorisation in Madagascar.
šØ Be aware of the airline you purchase to travel as some main ones will only accept your drone on-board if its batteries are detached & placed in a firecase during travel time. Most airlines will have a battery voltage limit based on the recommendation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). You can find more info about a specific airline here.
Where can I fly my drone in Madagascar?
ā You can fly indoors anytime as long as you have the consent of the owner.
šØ Do not fly outdoors if you do not have a permit. Only a permit will be able to tell you where you can fly & under which conditions as they are case by case issued.
š¦ National parks & reserves are on a case by case permission & you might need to check directly with the park or reserve authorities
How to obtain my drone permit in Madagascar?
ā Some exemptions may be granted as the government also recognizes the potential of unmanned aircraft use in the country, but this is on a case-to-case basis. We are not aware of any successful application today.
ā Madagascar authorities created a form to complete and send prior your arrival that you will need to complete it with:
your full contact details
your drone's full details
a risk analysis in case the drone doesn't respond
a list of documents including but not limited to an insurance, the drone's logbook, & local authorisations (military or national park) if needed
When ready you will need to send it to: Aviation Civile de Madagascar (ACM), 13 rue Kassanga BP 4414, Antananarivo 101 which you can also contact by phone or email alternatively.
š Allow at least 5 working days (we recommend as early as possible).
šØ You will need to do one application per flight.
What do I risk for flying a drone illegally in Madagascar?
The amount & scope of the fine will depend on the nature & severity of your infraction. The judges will also evaluate if you intentionally committed the infraction and/or if you had any commercial purposes to do such. However, local authorities specify that you will be judged according to article L.7.1.1-6 of the law NĀ° 2015-006 in place since the 12 of February 2015
ā The excellent news is that once you're there and got the authorisations, you can start flying above Madagascar's awesome landscapes & create videos like this one:
ā Please leave a comment or update the Forum when you receive news and/or gain experience with your drone in Madagascar!
Disclaimer: Although greatĀ care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information researched, we take no responsibility for any loss, harm or damage caused as a direct or indirect consequence of relying on this information. It is your responsibility to seek advice from qualified local & relevant authoritiesĀ for needed information about local drone rules and regulations.
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