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Drones in Cambodia

Public·11 members

Hello everyone. I've been doing some research on the internet and it seems that we need to have the permission of the Camboya's aviation ministry to fly a drone. Does anyone have information about it? Thanks in advance

mini carina
July 16, 2020 · joined the group along with .

Cambodia, regulating an unregulated market

This eventually had to happen one day, Cambodia is currently looking at setting up some ground rules to fly a drone within its territory according to Mr. Sin Chan Sereivutha, Spokesperson of the State Secretariat of Cambodian Civil Aviation (15/03/19).

Today the country, remains one of the last ones without any specific rules within South East Asia. Whilst there are clearly geo no fly zones established such as the famous Angkor Wat or the capital city of Phnom Penh, there are little other measures in forced such as maximum flight altitude or unmanned aircraft weight.

A few years ago, a German tourist flew over the Royal Palace and crashed his drone into the Palace's courtyard scaring off the princess. Lucky for him, he didn't end up in jail as he didn't harm anyone and it wasn't clearly forbidded by then.. So he went off by…

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