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The Ultimate Guide to Lebanon (Beirut) Drone Laws & Rules

Updated: Mar 25, 2019

🖐 In this blog post we’ll share all law links and known rules about recreational and commercial drone use in Lebanon (Beirut). Give a 👍 at the end of this post if you enjoyed it & feel free to ask any questions or share your experience in The Forum. Keep in mind that the content below is updated to the best of our ability & does not replace official sources & your own research.

Lebanon drone laws and rules

Recreational vs Commercial drone use in Lebanon

Lebanon does not seem to differentiate commercial & recreational drone use - see our post to differentiate recreational vs commercial drone usage.

✅ In Lebanon, drone rules would normally fall under the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) however it seems that Military of Lebanon is currently taking care of registrations and permits to fly drones in the country. They can be contacted via:


Can I bring my drone to Lebanon?

✅ Currently, there doesn't seem to be any restrictions on bringing drones within Lebanon (Beirut) as long as your import is considered as legitimate (generally one drone per person).

Drone Travel Ger, Dronemade

🚨 Be aware of the airline you purchase to travel as some main ones will only accept your drone on-board if its batteries are detached & placed in a firecase during travel time. Most airlines will have a battery voltage limit based on the recommendation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). You can find more info about a specific airline here.


Where can I fly my drone in Lebanon?

✅ We did not find an official fly zone map for drones in Lebanon "If you have more information about this, please let us know in the Forum anytime". Looking online, we found has listed all flight zones in a convenient 3 color legend & reveals that the entire country is under controlled airspace.

Lebanon drone fly map

Moldova drone fly map

🦅 National parks & reserves are on a case by case permission & you might need to check directly with the local park or reserve authorities.


Recreational & Commercial Drone use in Lebanon

✅ The Lebanese army doesn't mention any rules about how to fly your drone within Lebanon however you will need to apply for a permit if your drone if fitted with a camera for recording.

How to obtain my permit to fly my drone in Lebanon?

✅ There is an easy & convenient online document available here to download and complete and return via any of the below ways:

  • Personally to the Army Command – Secretary of General Staff

  • Email:

  • Fax to the Directorate of Orientation: 01/424104

🕔 Allow at least one week for the Lebanese army to process your request.

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Once you've got everything in order, you can start flying above Lebanon's awesome landscapes and create videos like this one:

Phantom 4 Dronemade

Drones are a fast evolving technology & we hope that the above rules explained helped you narrow your thoughts for the perfect travel companion 🚁

You will find all you need to travel with a drone here. Always consider the long term use & what is your travel style as you're what matters most after all! 🧐

Country by country drone laws world map

✅ Please leave a comment or update the Forum when you receive news and/or gain experience with your drone in Lebanon! Have fun and safe flight!


Disclaimer: Although great care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information researched, we take no responsibility for any loss, harm or damage caused as a direct or indirect consequence of relying on this information. It is your responsibility to seek advice from qualified local & relevant authorities for needed information about local drone regulations.

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