š In this blog post weāll share all drone rule links & known regulations about recreational & commercial drone use in Ecuador (Quito). Give a š at the end of this post if you enjoyed it & feel free to ask any questions or share your experience in The Forum. Keep in mind that the content below is updated to the best of our ability & does not replace official sources & your own research.

Recreational vs commercial drone use in Ecuador
Ecuador does not differentiate commercial & recreational drone use aside from your arrival time at customs; differentiate recreational vs commercial drone use. When flying, both are subject to restrictions & a code of conduct.
ā In Ecuador, the regulation and control of drone use falls under the General Directorate of Civil Aviation of EcuadorĀ (GDCAE) & they can be contacted anytime via:
Online: via this form (you need to register first)
Can I travel with my drone to Ecuador?
šØ Yes you can travel with your drone to Ecuador, however objects with a higher value than $500 might be subject to a 35% import tax upon arrival (payable in cash or credit card at the airport you land in). You can however be exempt if you can prove that you're a professional & need this equipment while travelling in Ecuador š
šØ Be aware of the airline you purchase to travel as some main ones will only accept your drone on-board if its batteries are detached & placed in a firecase during travel time. Most airlines will have a battery voltage limit based on the recommendation of the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). You can find more info about a specific airline here.
Where can I fly my drone in Ecuador?
ā We did not find an official fly zone map for drones in Ecuador "If you have more information about this, please let us on the Forum know anytime". Thankfully, app.airmap.io has listed all flight zones in a convenient way organised in a 3 color legend:
Ecuador drone fly map

šØ You should not fly above or near military installations & strategic infrastructure. Fly 9 km away from airports & any aerodromes or airports in the country.
š¦ National parks & reserves are on a case by case permission & you might need to check directly with the local park or reserve authorities. Galapagos Islands are a definite no no to drones unless you are part of a scientific research š¢š¦
Recreational & Commercial Drone use in Ecuador
ā Good things first, you will not need a permit or a license to fly a drone in Ecuador. However if your drone weight more than 2 kg, you will need to subscribe to an insurance prior flying your drone in Ecuador.
Saying this, within the permitted zones, you will need to follow a few rules:
fly at a maximum altitude of 122 m & during daytime only.
fly 9 km away from airports, heliports & give priority to all other categories of aircraft. If you see an aircraft during your flight, land immediately.
It is recommendable to get an insurance
ask before flying any governmental, religious or military sites.
do not fly if you are tired or under the influence of any drugs or alcohol.
šØ You need an insurance for your drone if heavier than 2 kg. The Ecuadorian authorities also specify a different minimum amount insured based on the weight of your drone:
for drones weighting from 2 - 25 kg: your insurance should be of $3,000 min
for drones weighting 25 kg+: your insurance should be of $5,000 min
š If you are considering getting your first drone or upgrade, feel free to check the Drone Gear content we've put together or click on the model you like below to get its full specs. Any purchase done from one of our affiliate links helps Dronemade stay free and available to all.
What do I risk for flying a drone for recreational use illegally in Ecuador?
šØ The amount & scope of the fine will depend on the nature & severity of your infraction. The judges will also evaluate if you intentionally committed the infraction &/or if you had any commercial purpose during your flight.
Keeping common sense rules in mind, what are you waiting for?! Start flying above Ecuador's awesome landscapes & create videos like this one:
ā Please leave a comment or update the Forum when you receive news and/or gain experience with your drone in Ecuador! Have fun & safe flight!
Disclaimer: Although greatĀ care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information researched, we take no responsibility for any loss, harm or damage caused as a direct or indirect consequence of relying on this information. It is your responsibility to seek advice from qualified local & relevant authoritiesĀ for needed information about local drone regulations.
Other resources
General Directorate of Civil Aviation of EcuadorĀ (GDCAE website)